I was supposed to shoot a mug shot of a woman and her dog...her dog attacked a bad guy and held him down until the police arrived. Instead of just the typical mug shot, which I also got, I came back with this and it ran. It's obviously nothing amazing, but I think it was a nice moment.

Gordine Miller of Ft. Lauderdale, has owned two-year-old "Brownie," a Chow-Golden Retriever mix, since he was a puppy. "Brownie" held up a car chase suspect long enough for law enforcement to arrive and catch the suspect, 24-year-old Adrian A. Hardy.
One of the writing interns, Annie Greenberg, called me last week to tell me about a story that she was writing, and to give me a heads up that she was putting in a photo request so I could grab it if I wanted to. She knows I love horses and photographing people and animals, and even though it was on Sunday, when I'm not working, and on my mom's birthday, I grabbed it. Two 11-year-old girls who are legally blind compete in rodeos, and they were practicing for it on Sunday. I shot pictures and took audio, and was able to learn Audacity and Soundslides, so I put together my first multimedia piece! It was hard trying to anticipate when there was going to be sound that I'd want to record, but I think I did okay for my first time collecting audio.
It's on the Sun-Sentinel website, because I haven't figured out how to post it anywhere else yet. But here it is:
http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/broward/sfl-flbhorses0702sbjul02,0,6958618.storyI hope it played the way it was supposed to, if anyone looked at this, because on my computer the sound and the pictures lined up like they were supposed to, but on Lou's (another photographer's) computer, the audio was all screwed up, and I'm not sure why.
And here is one of my favorite pictures from it.

Eleven-year-old Tiffany Persaud, of Hollywood, spanks Beefy to get him to trot during her lesson with Dr. Terri Jennings on June 29, 2008.
I've been shooting tons of portraits, which is good because that's one of the things I wanted to get better at this summer. And I'm getting more comfortable at setting up light stands with my flashes and positioning them. I don't think I have any for my portfolio yet, but here's one where I really liked the lighting.

Christine Quatrini, of Dania Beach owns "Thriftarella," the new consignment/thrift store in Davie. The name of the store is a spinoff from a store called Catch My Thrift. The owner of the store had a contest to name the mannequin that sat outside the old store for over ten years, and she was named "Thriftarella."