Friday, April 24, 2009

Cleaning Person

This is a story about Jerry Andrews.  He works in Grise Hall as a janitor.  He's a lot of fun.  I wasn't so fond of his hours though...he wakes up at midnight, starts work at 3:45 am, finishes work at 12:00 pm, and goes to sleep around 4:00 pm.  I've been trying to get my sleep schedule back in order all week.  But he was a lot of fun to be with.

Surprise 18th Birthday Party

My friend Daniel had something come up on the night that he was supposed to shoot a surprise 18th birthday party, so he let me cover it.  She showed up over an hour later than she was supposed to, but once she got there it was a lot of fun to shoot.  Here are a few pictures that I like.

DMT Class Projects

I'm an interior design minor...I'm taking a problem solving class right now.  I think the purpose of that class is to teach people how to use Photoshop.  So here are some projects that I've done this semester for that class.  The first is a mood board that I had to create using a certain color scheme.  The second assignment was a self reflection, where we used photoshop to collage our face with newsprint, colors, and words.  And that last is a project that I'm working on now, called "Alphabet City."  We were supposed to find objects in real life that made up all of the letters of the alphabet, and then put them together with a theme in a book.  I wanted my theme to be dance, so I took a few dancers into the studio which was a lot of fun.  So this is going to be the index page for my book.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


John and Mame stone have been married for 67 years.  When they look at each other, you can still see that sparkle of love in their eyes.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Few More from Immigration

Laura and Mario* were married the second-to-last day I was shooting for my story, in their kitchen.  Other than them, the preacher and I were the only other people there.  It was such a great experience.

*I had to change his name.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Here are a few pictures from my immigration story that I like.  I'm working with a family of illegal immigrants from El Salvador, and I've really been enjoying spending time with them.  They're just so close to their family, and I think that's really great.